Making Rest a Priority

ImageIf you are anything like me, when you have a day to do nothing it freaks you out. My to-do lists are always running in the back of my mind; laundry, oil change, exercise, study, make dinner etc. It seems like it never ends. Thursday evening, my husband and I were both home. He was working in the yard and I had just finished up my work day. We were looking around for something to do to pass the time. It was one of those rare occasions when neither of us had anything scheduled and it was strange. Of course, there are always things to do but we were not interested in doing any of them. I decided to study and he fiddled around in the yard until it was dark. We do not live a very exciting life, but it is ours 🙂

I work a full-time job and try to do 3-5 vigorous workouts per week. So it is not surprising I am tired a lot. My mom swears I do not get enough protein. Tuesday, I started getting a sore throat but since my allergies are so bad, I figured they were the culprit. The week passed and I only managed to get in 2 workouts because of my schedule. The sore throat lingered through last night and I was “forced” to cancel my volunteer hours today which I was not happy about. I managed to stay in bed until 10 (which never happens). It turned out that my body needed a break. I had been ignoring it for several weeks and it would not be ignored any longer.

It is so important to pay attention to our bodies and allow ourselves the rest we need. In the midst of our technology driven society, we rarely get a break from mental stimuli. We owe it to ourselves to have a moment of quiet away from everyday noise to rest our minds and our bodies. Here are some practical tips from Better Homes and Gardens magazine.